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Tectum roof deck panels need to be replaced, is there an alternative panel type available?

A tectum roof deck panel is a sheet of wood fibers bonded to together to provide a structural element to roofing. They are also designed to be heat and sound insulating.

They are available in different types with varying properties. There are a few standard panel widths, thickness range from 2” to 10” with the larger depth panels incorporating an expanded polystyrene centre to maximize thermal retention.

Panel edge features are incorporated to help interlock adjacent panels during installation. Some options available are tongue and grooved edges as well as recessed edges with grouting onto steel bulb tee structural members.

The original manufacturers website provides technical specifications for currently available panel types. This includes insulation values, diaphragm shear strengths, noise reduction coefficients, and maximum loadings per given span. An important consideration is the fire resistance characteristics of the panels which may be subject to a national standard requirement.

To source an alternative, the original sheet specifications need to be established along with the new project requirements so as to ensure all criteria are met.

This task will require a better understanding of the customer’s application along with further research and calculations. This task is ideally suited to an architect or building service engineer. The technical representative from the material manufacturer would also be able to provide recommendations.