Center Drills
Center drills are one of the most common tools found in fabrication Shops, Machine Shops or any other shop that works with metal. However, these tools are typically not known to the rest of the world who could really benefit from the accuracy that these bits provide. The best thing about Center Drills is it can create finished holes or more commonly used for starter holes, they are great because there is no flex in the shaft like standard drill bits, having that rigidity keeps the Center Drill from walking across the metal you are trying to drill. They can be used in handheld power tool drills, drill presses and lathes making it a very flexible tool. Another secret on these is you can use it to create a chamfer in deeper steel to create a flush surface when combining with a flat head screw. Center Drills have two sides that makes the bit twice as beneficial because when one side breaks or wears out you have a brand new bit on the opposite side to keep you drilling, no other bit offers that kind of flexibility.