Image for Illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary
IRWIN 1892010 IMPACT DBL END T25/T30 X 2-3/8" 2/CARD
MODEL 1892010
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$4.88 Each
Prices are subject to change
Select Quantity(5 minimum)
Orders over $500 qualify for a Free Gift
Typically Ships in: 10 days
Returnable: Yes
Overall length
- DoubleLok Technology ensures both ends of bit lock securely in impact drivers and quick-change chucks, enabling use of two tips from one bit for added convenience and extended life
- Precision tip geometry delivers superior fitment, reducing stripping and cam-out
- Power Groove designed for compatibility with IRWIN Impact Performance Series Magnetic Screw-Hold Attachment
- Manufactured with heavy-duty, cold-forged, high-grade steel to withstand high torque output
TORX is a registered trademark of Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC
Item # | First Tip | Second Tip | Overall Length | Bulk Item # |
1892003 | T10 | T10 | 2-3/8" | 1892052 |
1892016 | T10 | T10 | 4" | 1892065 |
1892029 | T10 | T10 | 6" | 1892078 |
1892004 | T10 | T15 | 2-3/8" | 1892053 |
1892017 | T10 | T15 | 4" | 1892066 |
1892030 | T10 | T15 | 6" | 1892079 |
1892005 | T15 | T15 | 2-3/8" | 1892054 |
1892018 | T15 | T15 | 4" | 1892067 |
1892031 | T15 | T15 | 6" | 1892080 |
1892006 | T15 | T20 | 2-3/8" | 1892055 |
1892019 | T15 | T20 | 4" | 1892068 |
1892032 | T15 | T20 | 6" | 1892081 |
1892007 | T20 | T20 | 2-3/8" | 1892056 |
1892020 | T20 | T20 | 4" | 1892069 |
1892033 | T20 | T20 | 6" | 1892082 |
1892008 | T20 | T25 | 2-3/8" | 1892057 |
1892021 | T20 | T25 | 4" | 1892070 |
1892034 | T20 | T25 | 6" | 1892083 |
1892009 | T25 | T25 | 2-3/8" | 1892058 |
1892022 | T25 | T25 | 4" | 1892071 |
1892035 | T25 | T25 | 6" | 1892084 |
1892010 | T25 | T30 | 2-3/8" | 1892059 |
1892023 | T25 | T30 | 4" | 1892072 |
1892036 | T25 | T30 | 6" | 1892085 |
1892011 | T27 | T27 | 2-3/8" | 1892060 |
1892024 | T27 | T27 | 4" | 1892073 |
1892037 | T27 | T27 | 6" | 1892086 |
1892012 | T30 | T30 | 2-3/8" | 1892061 |
1892025 | T30 | T30 | 4" | 1892074 |
1892038 | T30 | T30 | 6" | 1892087 |
1892013 | T40 | T40 | 2-3/8" | 1892062 |
1892026 | T40 | T40 | 4" | 1892075 |
1892039 | T40 | T40 | 6" | 1892089 |
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