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3/4 HP 56 Frame Electric Motors

Motors are electrical devices that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. They operate through the interaction between the motor's magnetic field and electric current in a wire winding to generate force in the form of torque applied on the motor's shaft. Motors can be powered by direct current (DC) from a battery or by alternating current (AC) from an electrical power grid or electrical generator.

NEMA standard frame numbers are designated by the distance from center of shaft to center bottom of mount. The 56 designation measures 3.5" from center of shaft to center bottom of mount, multiplied by 16 this measurement equals 56. 

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Baldor 3/4 HP 56 Frame  Motors


BaldorBaldor is a leading manufacturer and service of industrial electric motors, generators, and mechanical power transmission products. 

The company is based in Fort Smith, AR .

56 Frame motors are suitable for a variety of commercial/industrial applications. They're rated for continuous duty and have a keyed shaft that comes with key stock.  


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Item ID Brand Name Voltage Phase Rpm Enclosure Price
VM3542 #26571 Baldor VM3542 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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CM3542 #26559 Baldor CM3542 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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VEM3542 #26047 Baldor VEM3542 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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CM3541 #26594 Baldor CM3541 230/460 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC
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VM3543 #26071 Baldor VM3543 208-230/460 3 1100 - 1200 TEFC
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VM3541 #26612 Baldor VM3541 230/460 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC
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VEL11306 #2840783 Baldor VEL11306 115-230 1 3400 - 3600 OPEN
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VNM3542 #26471 Baldor VNM3542 230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TENV
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VEL11308 #2840785 Baldor VEL11308 115-230 1 1100 - 1200 ODTF
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VEM31112 #2840797 Baldor VEM31112 230/460 3 1700 - 1800 OPEN
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VENM3542 #699724 Baldor VENM3542 230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TENV
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CEM3542-BG #2548595 Baldor CEM3542-BG 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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CM3543 #26056 Baldor CM3543 208-230/460 3 1100 - 1200 TEFC
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VEM31111 #2840796 Baldor VEM31111 230/460 3 3400 - 3600 OPEN
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VEBM3542-D #2548646 Baldor VEBM3542-D 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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CDM3543 #2840283 Baldor CDM3543 230/460 3 1100 - 1200 TEFC
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VNM3541 #699204 Baldor VNM3541 208-230/460 3 3400 - 3600 TENV
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CNM3542 #699107 Baldor CNM3542 230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TENV
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CEM31112 #2840311 Baldor CEM31112 230/460 3 1700 - 1800 OPEN
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CEL11307 #2840307 Baldor CEL11307 115-230 1 1700 - 1800 OPEN
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VDM3542 #2919503 Baldor VDM3542 230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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VNDM3542 #2840826 Baldor VNDM3542 230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TENV
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VEM31153 #2840801 Baldor VEM31153 230/460 3 1100 - 1200 OPEN
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CNDM3542 #2840323 Baldor CNDM3542 230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TENV
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CDP3440 #25272 Baldor CDP3440 90 1 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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CDP3436 #25271 Baldor CDP3436 180 1 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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CD3475 #25128 Baldor CD3475 90 1 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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CDP3440-V12 #24905 Baldor CDP3440-V12 12 1 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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CD3476 #25129 Baldor CD3476 180 1 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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CD5375 #24641 Baldor CD5375 90 1 1700 - 1800 TEFC
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CDP3443 #25500 Baldor CDP3443 90 1 2500 TEFC
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Leeson 3/4 HP 56 Frame  Motors


AX17 Leeson Motors are made by Regal Beloit

The company is located in Beloit, Wisconsin..

56 Frame motors are suitable for a variety of commercial/industrial applications. They're rated for continuous duty and have a keyed shaft that comes with key stock. 


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Item ID Brand Name Voltage Phase Rpm Enclosure Price
191208.00 #2527496 Leeson 191208.00 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TENV
108018.00 #2525288 Leeson 108018.00 90 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
See Replacement
117902.00 #2383898 Leeson 117902.00 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TENV
E116728.00 #2795202 Leeson E116728.00 230/460 3 1100 - 1200 ODP
191508.00 #2795072 Leeson 191508.00 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
117708.00 #2526092 Leeson 117708.00 208-230 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
117712.00 #2526096 Leeson 117712.00 208-230 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
111327.00 #2525568 Leeson 111327.00 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 DP
See Replacement
117699.00 #2383868 Leeson 117699.00 230 3 1700 - 1800 TENV
117880.00 #2383890 Leeson 117880.00 115/208-230 1 1700 - 1800 TEFC



WEG 3/4 HP 56 Frame Motors


AX17 WEG is a leading manufacturer and service of industrial electric motors, generators, and mechanical power transmission products. 

The company is located in Duluth, Georgia.

56 Frame motors are suitable for a variety of commercial/industrial applications. They're rated for continuous duty and have a keyed shaft that comes with key stock. 


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Item ID Brand Name Voltage Phase Rpm Enclosure Price
.7518OT1B56C-S #2853195 WEG .7518OT1B56C-S 115/208-230 1 1700 - 1800 ODP
.7518OT1B56CFL-S #2853194 WEG .7518OT1B56CFL-S 115/208-230 1 1700 - 1800 ODP
.7512OT3E56C-S #2853193 WEG .7512OT3E56C-S 208-230/460 3 1100 - 1200 ODP
.7536OT1BO56CFL-S #2853125 WEG .7536OT1BO56CFL-S 115/208-230 1 3400 - 3600 ODP
.7518OT3H56C-S #2853117 WEG .7518OT3H56C-S 575 3 1700 - 1800 ODP
.7518OT3H56CFL-S #2853116 WEG .7518OT3H56CFL-S 575 3 1700 - 1800 ODP
.7518OT3E56C-S #2853115 WEG .7518OT3E56C-S 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 ODP
.7518OT3E56CFL-S #2853114 WEG .7518OT3E56CFL-S 208-230/460 1 3400 - 3600 ODP
.7536OT1B56C-S #2853094 WEG .7536OT1B56C-S 115/208-230 1 3400 - 3600 ODP
.7536OT1B56CFL-S #2853093 WEG .7536OT1B56CFL-S 115/208-230 3 3400 - 3600 ODP
.7536OT3E56C-S #2853073 WEG .7536OT3E56C-S 230/460 3 3400 - 3600 ODP
.7536OT3E56CFL-S #2853072 WEG .7536OT3E56CFL-S 208-230/460 3 3400 - 3600 ODP
.7536XS3E56C #2519306 WEG .7536XS3E56C 208-230/460 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC
.7536XS1B56C #2519304 WEG .7536XS1B56C 115/208-230 1 3400 - 3600 TEFC
.7536OS3HJPR56C-S #2519302 WEG .7536OS3HJPR56C-S 575 3 3400 - 3600 ODP
.7536OS3EJPR56C-S #2519299 WEG .7536OS3EJPR56C-S 208-230/460 3 3400 - 3600 ODP
.7536ES3H56C-S #2519291 WEG .7536ES3H56C-S 575 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC
.7536ES3H56CFL-S #2519290 WEG .7536ES3H56CFL-S 575 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC
.7536ES3EJPR56C-S #2519288 WEG .7536ES3EJPR56C-S 208-230/460 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC
.7536ES3E56C-S #2519285 WEG .7536ES3E56C-S 208-230/460 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC
.7536ES3E56CFL-S #2519284 WEG .7536ES3E56CFL-S 208-230/460 3 360 TEFC
.7518XS3E56C #2519283 WEG .7518XS3E56C 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
.7518XS1B56C #2519281 WEG .7518XS1B56C 115/208-230 1 1700 - 1800 XPFC
.7518ES3H56C-S #2519271 WEG .7518ES3H56C-S 575 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
.7518ES3H56CFL-S #2519270 WEG .7518ES3H56CFL-S 575 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
.7518ES3E56C-S #2519268 WEG .7518ES3E56C-S 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
.7518ES3E56CFL-S #2519267 WEG .7518ES3E56CFL-S 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
.7512ES3H56CFL-S #2519262 WEG .7512ES3H56CFL-S 575 3 1100 - 1200 TEFC
.7512ES3E56C-S #2519260 WEG .7512ES3E56C-S 208-230/460 3 1100 - 1200 TEFC
.7512ES3E56CFL-S #2519259 WEG .7512ES3E56CFL-S 208-230/460 3 1100 - 1200 TEFC
.7536ES1BB56CFL #1311196 WEG .7536ES1BB56CFL 115/208-230 1 3400 - 3600 TEFC
.7536EP3ESS56CFL #1311913 WEG .7536EP3ESS56CFL 208-230/460 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC
.7536EP3ESS56C #1311912 WEG .7536EP3ESS56C 208-230/460 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC
.7518EP3ESS56CFL #1311911 WEG .7518EP3ESS56CFL 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
.7518EP3ESS56C #1311910 WEG .7518EP3ESS56C 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
.7512EP3ESS56CFL #1311909 WEG .7512EP3ESS56CFL 208-230/460 3 1100 - 1200 TENV
.7512EP3ESS56C #1311908 WEG .7512EP3ESS56C 208-230/460 3 1100 - 1200 TENV


Marathon 3/4 HP 56 Frame  Motors



Marathon Electric is part of the Regal Beloit family of companies. Regal Beloit Corporation is a leading manufacturer of electrical and mechanical motion control and power generation products serving markets throughout the world.

The company is based in Wausau, Wisconsin.

56 Frame motors are suitable for a variety of commercial/industrial applications. They're rated for continuous duty and have a keyed shaft that comes with key stock. 



Item ID Brand Name Voltage Phase Rpm Enclosure Price
M009047 #6042676 Marathon Electric M009047 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
K1300A #5812592 Marathon Electric K1300A 230/460 3 1100 - 1200 ODP
EG271A #5811804 Marathon Electric EG271A 115-230 1 1700 - 1800 ODP
G243A #5811069 Marathon Electric G243A 575 3 1700 - 1800 ODP
E269A #5811032 Marathon Electric E269A 115-230 1 1700 - 1800 ODP
E268A #5811031 Marathon Electric E268A 115-230 1 1700 - 1800 ODP
C1463A #2303996 Marathon Electric C1463A 115-230 1 3400 - 3600 ODP
C1083A #2303994 Marathon Electric C1083A 115-230 1 3400 - 3600 ODP



Brook Crompton 3/4 HP 56 Frame Motors



Brook Crompton, is a leading provider of energy efficient electric motors. Brook Crompton motors are applied industrial activities across diverse market sectors, the robust design of Brook Crompton’s electric motors drives fans, pumps, compressors, conveyors.

The company is based in Euclid, OH.

56 Frame motors are suitable for a variety of commercial/industrial applications. They're rated for continuous duty and have a keyed shaft that comes with key stock. These motors have an RPM range within 900 and 3600. 

Brand Name Voltage Phase Rpm Enclosure Price
Brook Crompton BF6N.75V5C 575 3 1100 - 1200 TEFC
Brook Crompton BF4N.75V5C 575 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
Brook Crompton BF2N.75V5C 575 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC
Brook Crompton BF6N.75V2C 208-230/460 3 1100 - 1200 TEFC
Brook Crompton BF4N.75V2C 208-230/460 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
Brook Crompton BF2N.75V2C 208-230/460 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC



Toshiba 3/4 HP 56 Frame Motors



Toshiba began as a manufacturer of heavy electrical equipment in Japan over 135 years ago. Today, Toshiba is known globally for its innovative technology, superior quality, and unmatched reliability. 

The company is located in New York, NY.

56 Frame motors are suitable for a variety of commercial/industrial applications. They're rated for continuous duty and have a keyed shaft that comes with key stock. 

Brand Name Voltage Phase Rpm Enclosure Price
Toshiba B3/46FLC2OOZ 575 3 1100 - 1200 TEFC
Toshiba B3/46FLC2AOZ 230/460 3 1100 - 1200 TEFC
Toshiba B3/44FMC2OOZ 575 3 1700 - 1800 TEFC
Toshiba B3/42FMC2OOZ 575 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC
Toshiba B3/42FMC2AOZ 230/460 3 3400 - 3600 TEFC