Multi V-Ribbed Belts
Multi V-Ribbed (V belts) refer to drive belts that offer a larger contact area in comparison to standard V belts or flat belts. They are used in multi-rib belt pulleys, and the broader contact surface area makes them capable of transiting more power than the other belt types with similar length and width measurements. Their speed ratios can go as high as 60:1, which means they are more flexible than V-belts. They are used in application areas that require limited space and high-speed belt drives. Multi V-Ribbed (V belts) operate more quietly and with lower energy costs than flat bet drives. They are manufactured in different dimensions of diameter, lengths, and widths to suit many types of engineering needs. Multi V-Ribbed (V belts) are used in many high-speed machines and equipment such as fans, dryers, polishers, mixers, pumps, compressors, dispensers, atomizers, chair lifts, display components, and microwave ovens. The multi-rib drive pulleys have short center distance and can allow multiple belts to ride on one customized pulley.